Dr. M is a transformative coach, naturopathic doctor and functional medicine practitioner.  He’s the ultimate doctor/coach.
For over three decades Dr. M has been a coach, advisor, doctor, mentor and creative catalyst to business owners, CEOs, celebrities, stay-at-home moms, and others whose lives and work depend on daily doses of vitality, clarity, and effortless creation.
He helps people improve their resilience, vitality and metabolic health through bespoke health and longevity programs.
Through dialog he helps leaders of all types connect with their own innate wisdom and  create brilliant futures that would not have existed otherwise.
He lives and plays in Connecticut, USA.


  • I AM loving awareness. I am love. I am happy and I am free.
  • I AM supreme health and vitality, fit, strong and flexible.
  • I AM divine gesture, immediate and guided action.
  • I AM healing presence, peace and power.
  • I AM pure possibility and I create as I speak.
  • I AM extraordinary at living, loving, learning, leading and serving.
  • I AM peace and stillness, calm in the midst of the storm.
  • I AM light for everyone and I create what every body is.

Credentials and Training


My "real" bio

My name is Michael Mendribil and I am sixty-two years young. Over those six decades, I’ve lived the lives of many. By the time I was twenty-two, my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer and passed before I finished naturopathic medical school. At thirty-nine, I became a father practically overnight and adopted a six month old beautiful baby girl. I have experienced bankruptcy, been through two marriages, and navigated my wife’s eventual transition to a skilled nursing facility due to early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease.

Throughout my life, I’ve struggled with health issues while experiencing the stresses of life-changing events. Through it all I’ve learned that resilience and strength are not qualities we are given but are those that we create. Regardless of the hand we’ve been dealt, we choose the lives we want to live, and I help people choose the most fulfilling path possible.

I’m still on the path, just like you. Learning and growing, creating and celebrating the miracle that is this life.

If my message resonates with you, if you’d like some help, reach out. Schedule a call to connect.  I’d love to speak with you.

Much love,

I refer to Dr. Mendribil as my “shaman”. He is my physical and mental “fixer”. I have been working with Dr. Mike for 10+ years now, and go to him 3-4 times a year for a wide of reasons. He has helped me with both mental and physical needs. I will provide two salient examples. First, I had been having severe nerve pain in my neck and running down my arm. This was going on for a few months, then would stop, then come back. On and off for 1-2 years. I went to a leading NYC spinal surgeon and subsequently had two spinal shots. Those are serious, they put you out, etc. The pain did not go away. I was scheduled to go in for a third spinal shot. Before doing so, I went to Dr. Mendribil. He worked his magic and within a day, the pain was gone. It has not come back. I then asked the spinal surgeon how this was possible. He shrugged his shoulders and said “there are just some things we do not explain”. The second example. I first went to Dr. Mike because I was constantly getting sick 4-5 times a year. It was debilitating, I felt like I was constantly sick, colds, flus, aches, etc. I went to Dr. Mike, he did a series of diagnostics, and then set me on a 30-day cleanse diet. This was 2017. Since then, I have only missed one day of work. In seven years. I have basically been healthy since. I visit with Dr. Mike 3-4 times per year now. I go for a general check-in, where we discuss my body, what feels good and bad, and what tweaks we can make. We also discuss my diet, overall health, and he provides suggestions. Finally, I text with Dr. Mike on and off through the years, asking him random questions about different vitamin supplements, new medicines, and the like. He is consistently helpful. Over time, I have probably recommended 20+ friends to Dr. Mike. I love working with him and believe my friends and family do as well.
David Berdon
Finance Professional
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