
Gain clarity about your health. Achieve the impossible.

Upgrade Your Health with Dr. M

I help people get and stay healthy for life!
You are an absolute, one-of-a-kind miracle being, and your health deserves a personalized, nuanced approach. I use some of the most cutting-edge functional diagnostic tools to get a holistic snapshot of your health status.
 By combining the art of deep listening with these state-of-the-art diagnostics, we’ll shine a spotlight on hidden factors affecting your well-being and offer realistic, naturopathic solutions that you can implement to create lasting health and vitality.
My practice might be the solution for you if…
  • You’re always exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get.
  • Your digestive issues never seem to get better, no matter what you try.
  • You feel like you’re just surviving, not thriving.”
  • Stress is a constant in your life, and you can’t find a way to manage it.
  • You have no energy left for your family or hobbies after work.
  • You’re worried about your health but don’t know where to start to improve it.
  • You feel like you’re aging faster than you should be.
  • Your weight fluctuates uncontrollably, and nothing you do seems to help.
  • You often feel overwhelmed and anxious about your health.
  • You’re tired of relying on medications that only mask your symptoms.
  • You’re struggling with skin issues that seem to be related to your overall health.
  • You have chronic pain that’s affecting your quality of life.
  • You’re not getting any clear answers from your current healthcare providers.
  • You feel isolated in your health journey.
  • You’re concerned about developing more serious health issues down the line.
In our journey together, we’re not just checking boxes and doing the bare minimum like most doctors do. We dive deep to reveal health challenges that often go unnoticed in regular tests. We identify and treat the real cause(s)!
We’ll spot early signs of potential issues, helping you avert more serious conditions down the line.
We’ll also track crucial shifts in your health landscape over time, empowering you with safe, effective therapies to dissolve pain, resolve nagging symptoms, and unlock your ultimate health potential.
"Dr. Mendribil is incredible – he's saved me from unnecessary surgeries not once, but twice. First, he identified my severe abdominal pain as a yeast issue, not diverticulitis, and healed me with just diet and supplements. Then, he expertly traced my intense back pain to a muscle issue, avoiding another surgery. His knack for treating the root cause, not just symptoms, has been vital in my Rheumatoid Arthritis and APS management, reducing my reliance on medication. Friends I've referred have had similarly amazing experiences. I'm so grateful for his exceptional care and insight."
Sharon Stone

Ready to embark on this transformative path to vibrant health and longevity? I’m here to guide you every step of the way with these health programs:

Coaching with Dr. M


I help people transform from within, create extraordinary futures and achieve your goals effortlessly by changing how they live and see the world.

I help my clients see themselves and the world differently. This new perspective allows them to “be differently” in the world, creating new possibilities for action and achieving results previously unimaginable. By changing your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, you transform your view of the world and what’s possible.

Without recognizing who you are being, you’ll continue to face the same challenges and outcomes. If you’re content with your current life, my work isn’t for you. But if you want to reach the next level, you need a shift in being, coaching conversations can accelerate this process.

The old way involves hard work, stress, and constant action, hoping for desired outcomes. The new way is about shifting who you are being, effortlessly doing what’s needed to move toward your goals. This approach merges the journey with the destination, allowing you to live and enjoy every moment while achieving things beyond your dreams.

The old way brings stress and strain.

The new way brings ease and flow.

Coaching with me might be right for you if:

  • You know there is more for you in life but are unsure how to achieve it.
  • You’re a high performer seeking the extra edge to reach the next level.
  • You desire deeper personal and spiritual growth.
  • You’ve achieved success but feel something is still missing.
  • You want to unlock your full potential and need guidance.
  • You need strategies to maintain peak performance in all areas of your life.
  • You’re ready to adopt the Freedom Perspective.

My coaching isn’t for everyone. You will be seen, heard, valued, and deeply loved. I’ll tell you things no one has ever told you before.

You need to commit and invest significantly in yourself. You must be honest, open, and willing to explore new territories.

If we work together, I will draw out your unique genius, helping you organize your life around what makes you feel most alive. Aliveness, vitality, ease, and flow are indicators we’re on the right path. That is the new way.

Are you ready for the new way?

The best way to understand my coaching is to experience it. If you’re sincerely interested in living your best life, schedule a call to explore your needs and desires. If we’re a good match, I’ll set up a coaching experience for you. Think of it as test-driving a new car. By the end, you’ll know if it’s right for you. It’s that simple. Just schedule your Breakthrough Session today! (Serious inquiries only please.)

When space is available I offer the following coaching programs and partnerships via Zoom meetings unless otherwise stated. Coaching investment ranges from $2,500 to $127,000.

I refer to Dr. Mendribil as my “shaman”. He is my physical and mental “fixer”. I have been working with Dr. Mike for 10+ years now, and go to him 3-4 times a year for a wide of reasons. He has helped me with both mental and physical needs. I will provide two salient examples. First, I had been having severe nerve pain in my neck and running down my arm. This was going on for a few months, then would stop, then come back. On and off for 1-2 years. I went to a leading NYC spinal surgeon and subsequently had two spinal shots. Those are serious, they put you out, etc. The pain did not go away. I was scheduled to go in for a third spinal shot. Before doing so, I went to Dr. Mendribil. He worked his magic and within a day, the pain was gone. It has not come back. I then asked the spinal surgeon how this was possible. He shrugged his shoulders and said “there are just some things we do not explain”. The second example. I first went to Dr. Mike because I was constantly getting sick 4-5 times a year. It was debilitating, I felt like I was constantly sick, colds, flus, aches, etc. I went to Dr. Mike, he did a series of diagnostics, and then set me on a 30-day cleanse diet. This was 2017. Since then, I have only missed one day of work. In seven years. I have basically been healthy since. I visit with Dr. Mike 3-4 times per year now. I go for a general check-in, where we discuss my body, what feels good and bad, and what tweaks we can make. We also discuss my diet, overall health, and he provides suggestions. Finally, I text with Dr. Mike on and off through the years, asking him random questions about different vitamin supplements, new medicines, and the like. He is consistently helpful. Over time, I have probably recommended 20+ friends to Dr. Mike. I love working with him and believe my friends and family do as well.
David Berdon
Finance Professional
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